Let your voice be heard! Commit to at least one action and join the thousands of others who stand against the destructive and costly Lake Powell Pipeline.

Tell Your Utah Legislator the Lake Powell Pipeline Isn’t Necessary   

Ask your Utah legislators why they are spending your precious tax dollars on a $2.24 billion Pipeline that isn’t needed and can’t be paid for by the recipients of the water.  Share this website with them and ask them what they think about using your tax money on this boondoggle.   

If Washington County has an abundance of water, why are we advancing this costly and destructive project?

It only takes a second to find who your legislators are.

Craft A Letter To the Editor  

Your voice can help shape the public dialogue and influence decision-makers. Check out our tips for writing a letter to the editor by clicking here.

Make the Call: 5 Minutes Can Make A Big Difference

Do you live in Southwest Utah or know anyone who does? Call your city council member, mayor or county commissioner and ask them if they want your water rates to increase by 500%.  Do they want to raise your property taxes by 100%?  Do they want to increase impact fees by 120%?

Are they only listening to the LPP lobbyists that are trying to ram these rate, tax and fee increases down your throat?  Have they visited this website?

Ask them if they know about the many inexpensive alternatives to this costly boondoggle.

Click the following links to see a list of elected officials in Washington County.

Your decision to step forward and act is a powerful tool that will help to stop the Lake Powell Pipeline.